sunday lunch

  • Greek Salad Wraps | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | these outrageous #Wraps have all the deliciousness of #GreekSalad but wrapped up like a #sandwich. They are absolutely heavenly & a terrific way to get our kids to eat more veggies! #tailgating #FetaCheese #KalamataOlives #Tomatoes #pepperocini #GreekSaladWraps #MeatlessMonday #Vegetarian #salad #GreekSaladSandwiches

    Greek Salad Wraps


    This tasty recipe is Greek salad on steroids, a.k.a., in a wrap! All your favorite ingredients in Greek Salad are wrapped up in spinach wraps with a delicious dressing. Amazing. Fantastic for tailgating parties or busy weekend meals.

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