Place bottom crust into bottom and up sides of 10x15” glass baking dish.
Stir peaches with sugar, flour, cinnamon, nutmeg and lemon juice.
Spread onto crust.
Dot with the butter.
Place top crust on top of peaches and flute edges sealing well.
Make 6 or 8 small slits in the top crust.
Brush top crust with milk (1/4 cup or so) and then sprinkle with sugar (a few tablespoons until well covered).
Bake at 400° for 10 minutes.
Reduce heat to 350° and bake for about 1 ½ hours or until peaches are fully cooked, syrup thickens and bubbles up thickly through the slits in the top crust.
Good served with ice cream.
NOTE: I usually make the equivalent of about 5 single crust plain pastry layers.NOTE: To avoid a soggy crust, don't put the filling into the pie crust until you're ready to place the top crust layer on and the oven is fully heated.NOTE: Or use 4 large 29-oz. cans of sliced peaches. Drain only two of the cans and add the juice with all the other pie filling ingredients. I decrease the sugar to 2 cups, but you can keep it at 2 1/2 cups if you prefer a sweeter dessert.NOTE: Tent cobbler with foil if the crust starts getting too brown.NOTE: Make the pie filling first rather than rolling out pie crust first, or the pie crust will dry out and become brittle in the dish and on your counter top.NOTE: If using canned peaches, the cobbler will not take quite as long to bake. Decrease time to about an hour after reducing heat to 350.NOTE: While 2 1/2 cups sugar was Pam's original amount, I find this perfectly satisfying with only about 1 1/2 to 2 cups of sugar.