How many eggs does a turkey lay per year?

It is customary to raise such a large bird as turkeys only for slaughter. This species is very popular among modern farmers, because these birds produce high-quality and nutritious meat. However, in order to justify the maintenance of poultry to the greatest extent, you need to get the most offspring from it. And this, in turn, will largely depend on the egg production of the bird and the conditions for its maintenance.

Turkeys and their features

Already 7-9-month-old turkeys are entering puberty. It is important to understand that a bird can have a different weight category, due to breed characteristics, heredity and some other factors.

One male is required for every ten females. Moreover, males are distinguished by their larger size and frequent aggressive state during the mating period. Therefore, he should trim his claws in a timely manner so that he does not injure the turkeys. I probably shouldn't remind you that even minor stresses for these birds will certainly affect how many eggs a turkey lays per year.

The most active females begin to lay eggs in mid-March. This period lasts for 2.5-3 weeks. Traditionally, egg production periods occur in autumn and spring. The egg productivity of turkeys persists up to 2-3 years of age.

It is possible to determine that a female is about to start laying eggs by such clear signs as:

· She starts hiding and building a nest for herself;

· She rushes around in search of a sufficiently secluded place;

The turkey goes out for walks less and less often, preferring to search for dry twigs and pluck down for the nest.

If these signs appear, you should definitely arrange a roost or even a nest for a bird.

Egg production of turkeys

Many people know about the benefits of turkey eggs. They are much larger than the usual chicken eggs for all modern people. The answer to the question of how many eggs a turkey lays per year will depend on:

· The mass of a particular individual and its breed;

· The ability to provide peace and quiet for the mother hen;

· Enough light hours for her throughout the day;

· Seasonality;

· Poultry conditions;

· Feed quality and quantity.

The average egg production rates for turkeys range from 120-150 pieces throughout the year. Although there have been cases where a turkey has laid 220 eggs a year, these are exceptional cases. Experts have traced an interesting pattern: the younger the female, the smaller the eggs she lays, but there are more of them. Recipes for cooking fish and seafood step by step instructions.