maple ginger muffins

  • Maple Ginger Muffins | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | these outrageous #muffins will rock your world! They explode with #CandiedGinger flavor & are so mouthwatering & irresistible, you're going to want more than one. Marvelous for #holiday #breakfast & Brunch buffets like #Christmas, #Thanksgiving or #NewYearsDay. Every bite will have you swooning! #MapleSyrup #MapleExtract #walnuts #CrystalizedGinger #ParadiseFruit #MapleGingerMuffins

    Maple Ginger Muffins


    Maple Ginger Muffins are outlandishly good! These fantastic muffins include crystalized ginger, Maple Syrup and Maple Extract. The streusel topping includes cinnamon and walnuts. These scrumptious muffins just explode in delightful flavor. Marvelous for the weeks of Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Years when you have company in town. No one will be able to stay out of these delectable breakfast muffins.

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