pineapple macadamia muffins

  • Pineapple Macadamia Muffins | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | these scrumptious #muffins will knock our socks off! They include crushed #pineapple, #bananas, #coconut #cinnamon & #MacadamiaNuts for the topping. They're easy to whip up, & great to make for a weekend, company or #holiday #breakfast. They freeze well if you need to make them in advance. #PineappleMacadamiaMuffins

    Pineapple Macadamia Muffins


    Enjoy your morning coffee with a batch of delicious Pineapple Macadamia Muffins. These lovely muffins include pineapple, coconut, cinnamon and macadamia nuts making them hearty and irresistible. Each batch makes 26 muffins so they’re great for entertaining, or for weekend, company or holiday breakfasts. If you enjoy pineapple these muffins will be a big hit with your family.

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