Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Polish Kraut and Apples

Teresa Ambra

Gluten Free Living – 2025

I loved this quick and easy Polish Kraut and Apples recipe. This gluten free main dish uses Polish sausage (smoked sausage) made with beef, apples, sauerkraut, apple juice and caraway seeds for a dose of flavor. I eliminated the brown sugar from the original recipe since I thought it would make the recipe too sweet and it wasn’t necessary due to the sweetness of the apples and the apple juice.

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Polish Kraut and Apples is an easy 6-ingredient recipe that takes less than 30 minutes to make! I tossed all the ingredients in a Dutch oven and cooked it for about 10-15 minutes. That was it! While the original recipe was for the Slow Cooker, I didn’t have time for that so, voila! The stovetop method was better for me.

There is just something special about recipes using smoked sausage with sauerkraut and apples. I made about 12 different variations on these ingredients during the spring and enjoyed every one of them! This one with caraway seeds is really delicious. Whether you make this recipe in the crockpot or on top of the stove, it surely is a winner for me.

I purchased several pounds of healthier smoked sausage that didn’t use harmful chemicals and ingredients like most of the main brands. Those included beef, roasted garlic, jalapeño cheese (with chicken or pork), chicken sausage and some made with pork. Everyone turned out wonderfully. They were so good that I plan on making up some different recipes later in the fall as well!

If you enjoy sauerkraut and old-world vintage recipes, this excellent main dish option is for you! This is perfect for quick dinners when office meetings run late or you have sports practices for your kids to attend. Every bite will tantalize. 🙂

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous  it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Polish Kraut and Apples is fantastic!

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

You can make this main dish in the Slow Cooker or on the stovetop, whichever if you prefer. I ran out of time so I cooked mine on the stovetop.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

If you enjoy sauerkraut, you’ll love this mouthwatering recipe.

Here’s what I did.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

I used these ingredients.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Rinse and drain sauerkraut really well.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Transfer the sauerkraut to a Dutch oven.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Add sliced sausage, diced apples, ground black pepper, caraway seeds and apple juice.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Stir ingredients to combine. For stovetop method: Cover with lid; cook on medium heat for 10-15 minutes until apples are fork tender.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Remove lid and serve.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Or you can transfer ingredients to a serving bowl, if desired.

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Polish Kraut and Apples can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes!

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Every bite is so filling and satisfying.

Here’s the recipe.


(Recipe adapted from Taste of Home, Winning Recipes, pg. 218)

Polish Kraut and Apples

Tantalize your taste buds with this incredibly easy 6-ingredient recipe! Polish Kraut and Apples can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes, or slow cooked if you prefer that style of cooking. This vintage old-world recipe includes sauerkraut, beef Polish sausage, apples and caraway seeds. It is so flavorful along with being hearty, filling and satisfying. Every bite will make your mouth water. Gluten free.

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  • large skillet with lid
  • wooden spoon
  • sharp knife
  • cutting board
  • measuring cups
  • measuring spoons
  • colander
  • 32 oz. jar sauerkraut (well rinsed and drained)
  • 1 lb. beef smoked sausage (or Polish sausage)
  • 2 large Gala apples (unpeeled and diced)
  • 1 tsp. caraway seeds
  • 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper
  • 3/4 cup apple juice
  1. Stovetop Method: Place all ingredients in a small Dutch oven and cook over medium heat until apples are tender—about 10-15 minutes.

  2. Serve.

  3. Slow Cooker Method:

  4. Place half of the sauerkraut in an ungreased 3-quart slow cooker.

  5. Top with sausage, apples, caraway seeds and black pepper.

  6. Top contents with remaining sauerkraut.

  7. Pour apple juice over top of all the ingredients.

  8. Cover with lid and cook on low heat for 4-5 hours, or until apples are fork tender. 

NOTE: I eliminated the brown sugar in the recipe, as I thought it would make the recipe excessive sweet.


Recipe adapted from Taste of Home.


© Can’t Stay Out of the Kitchen


Beef, fruit, Main Dish
apples, gluten free, kielbasa, main dish, Polish sausage, sauerkraut, smoked sausage
Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

This quick and easy recipes uses only 6 ingredients!

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

Polish Kraut and Apples is a sumptuous vintage main dish that will quickly become a favorite!

Polish Kraut and Apples | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy 6-ingredient #recipe can be whipped up in less than 30 minutes! It uses #beef #PolishSausage rather than pork, & #apples & #sauerkraut along with #CarawaySeeds. This vintage recipe is so flavorful & sumptuous it's sure to become a favorite. #Kielbasa #SmokedSausage #PolishKrautAndApples

I used 100% Beef Smoked Sausage. But you can use any kind of Polish sausage, pork sausage or chicken or turkey sausage.

You may also enjoy these delicious recipes!

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Sausage Apple Supper

Sausage Apple Supper | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this quick & easy #recipe is made with #Beef #Kielbasa & can be ready to serve in about 30 minutes. If you enjoy old-world recipes with #SmokedSausage, #sauerkraut & #apples, this #MainDish is marvelous & "lick-your-plate-clean" good! #potatoes #AppleJuice #GlutenFree #BeefKielbasa #SausageAppleSupper

Sauerkraut and Chicken Sausage

Sauerkraut and Chicken Sausage | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | every bite of this easy & delicious #MainDish #recipe is succulent & amazing. It's made with #sauerkraut, #apples, #ChickenSausage, #bacon, #potatoes, #CarawaySeeds & #AppleJuice. The combination of flavors is mouthwatering & irresistible. Takes only 40 minutes to whip up so it can be made in a snap for weeknight dinners. #pork #chicken #kielbasa #SmokedSausage #GlutenFree #SauerkrautAndChickenSausage

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