LiteHouse Cole Slaw Dressing

  • Confetti Cole Slaw | Can't Stay Out of the Kitchen | this is one of the BEST #ColeSlaw #recipes I've ever had! This one includes #cabbage, #carrots #pineapple, #celery & four kinds of #BellPeppers. The colors remind you of #confetti! And the flavor is irresistible with the sweet #ColeSlawDressing the #salad is paired with. Great for potlucks, summer #holiday fare or backyard BBQs. #ConfettiColeSlaw #GlutenFree

    Confetti Cole Slaw


    Confetti Cole Slaw is an outrageously good Cole Slaw your family is sure to love. It gets its “confetti” name from the many different colors of ingredients such as pineapple, 4 kinds of Bell Peppers, celery, red onion and carrots. It uses a sweet Cole Slaw Dressing that makes it spectacular. Marvelous for summer holiday fare, backyard barbecues and potlucks.

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