Hummus Recipes
Gluten Free Living – 2016
I have to admit I enjoy Hummus Recipes. Any kind of hummus will do the trick. It’s great served with veggie dippers for a healthy, low calorie snack. And, most hummus recipes are gluten free and even vegan for those wanting to improve their diet. Hummus Recipes are also extremely easy to make. Mash up the garbanzo beans with a fork and then toss everything in your blender. Add oil or water to make of dipping consistency. This Middle Eastern food has become extremely popular in the US in the last 10 years or so. Here in Texas the hummus made with avocados, cilantro and jalapenos seem to be on everyone’s menu. 🙂
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I started eating hummus back in 2012 when I went on a Daniel Fast for about 30 days. No meat, no grain, no dairy. I came up with a lot of hummus and soup recipes (and of course, salads) as ways to eat healthy and yet be filled and satisfied. This collection includes 13 Hummus Recipes I’ve made over the past few years. All of them are gluten free, most are vegan, and only a couple have dairy. For those who have to lay off the dairy I recommend using coconut milk and finding some other replacement for feta cheese. Otherwise, I think you’ll find all of these Hummus Recipes a real treat.
Most of these Hummus Recipes don’t take more than about ten minutes to make. Easy and delicious. They’re great for tailgating parties, summer picnics and as healthy snacks to serve during the afternoons when you’re dying to eat something you really shouldn’t. Except for the ones with avocados, most will keep in the refrigerator for about a week (assuming they last that long). Try one of these Hummus Recipes the next time you’re hosting a party. Your guests will be pleasantly surprised that something so healthy can taste so good. 🙂


Simply Delicious Homemade Hummus

7 Easy and Yummy Baby Food Your Baby Will Love – Mom Inspirations, Tips, Recipes and DIY
July 11, 2016 at 4:00 pm
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